The purpose of our organization is to promote the bromeliad as a houseplant
and to support its scientific study and conservation. Also, to promote and
stimulate the friendship of people with the bromeliad as common denominator.
We publish on a bi-monthly basis a bromeliad newsletter,
addressing all phases of the bromeliad as houseplant, such as
buying, caring for, propagating, and displaying in horticultural
We also organize field
trips, mount bromeliad exhibits at garden shows, we exchange
information on bromeliads and bromeliad culture with anyone
interested. We have a show and sale each year in August at
Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Our meetings are on the third
Saturday of the month as announced in the newsletter and are
held in member homes and at commercial greenhouses and public
gardens. The meetings offer educational programs as well as
an opportunity to buy, trade, or exchange bromeliads with
To the best of our knowledge there is no other bromeliad society in the state
of Michigan.
JOIN US NOW! Learn about the beautiful bromeliad family! Make
new friends!